Actual AI Changemakers

The phrase 'AI INNOVATORS TO WATCH IN 2023' illuminates against a dark, flowing background, with the 'CHANGE MAKERS AI 2023' emblem, signaling Actual Agency's commitment to showcasing leading AI firms that are making significant strides in healthcare, retail, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.
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Our Manifesto

At Actual Agency, we're embarking on a journey to spotlight the true trailblazers of the AI landscape. Our new "Actual AI Changemakers," overview is more than just a compilation; it's a testament to innovation's power to shape industries. Our commitment is to identify AI firms that have crossed the Series A funding threshold, demonstrating investors' confidence in their vision. But that's just the start.

For a company to make our list, it must have established a formidable market presence, signaling its impact on the AI landscape. We seek those who have harnessed technology to create a transformative shift. These firms must provide proof points, showcasing how they're revolutionizing healthcare, retail, e-commerce, financial services, manufacturing, and transportation.

In this era of dynamic change, we pledge to be the voice of those making a positive difference. "Actual AI Changemakers" isn't just about recognition; it's our way of celebrating those who are driving innovation, fostering growth, and making the impossible possible. Join us on this journey of discovery and empowerment as we shape the AI narrative for 2023 and beyond.

What Is A Changemaker

AI changemakers are proactively contributing to the advancement, application, and positive transformation of artificial intelligence technologies. Each one plays a pivotal role in driving the development of AI solutions that address real-world challenges, create innovative applications, and shape AI's ethical and societal implications. 

AI change makers actively engage in research, development, and implementation of AI technologies to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve and to ensure its responsible and ethical use. They deeply understand AI principles and leverage their expertise to drive meaningful change and impact across various industries and domains.

Industries We Are Covering

We are covering industries where AI innovation is thriving, including healthcare, retail and e-commerce, finance, manufacturing, and transportation. These sectors are prime for AI disruption due to their complex operations and the potential for optimization and efficiency gains.

  • Healthcare: AI aids in disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans, enhancing patient care.
  • Retail and E-commerce: AI optimizes inventory management, enhances customer experiences, and offers personalized recommendations, transforming how businesses operate and engage customers.
  • Finance: AI automates fraud detection, risk assessment, and trading analysis, improving accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.
  • Manufacturing: AI-driven automation enhances production efficiency, quality control, and predictive maintenance, leading to cost savings and improved productivity.
  • Transportation: AI powers autonomous vehicles, traffic management, and logistics optimization, revolutionizing mobility and supply chain operations.

All of these industries benefit from AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions in real-time, resulting in improved outcomes and innovation-driven growth. 

Our coverage will highlight how AI changemakers drive transformative changes across these industries.

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AI changemakers in the healthcare industry:

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Olive AI

sean lane headshot

Sean Lane


"Automation in healthcare will start to show that humans and AI can begin co-working with each other in virtually every part of the industry."
- Sean Lane, CEO of Olive AI
  • Service: AI-driven healthcare workforce platform.
  • Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  • Website:

Olive AI is a healthcare-focused startup that specializes in delivering automation and intelligence solutions to enhance the revenue cycle and financial health of health systems. The company's mission is to provide health systems with efficient compensation for care through automation and intelligence. Olive's innovative AI-powered solutions streamline processes such as prior authorization, patient access, financial clearance, and claims management. One unique aspect of Olive's approach is its emphasis on humanized and empathetic AI. Olive's flagship solution, named "Olive," is designed not only to work with humans but also to interact in a way that is relatable and human-like. This humanized approach sets Olive apart and contributes to its mission of improving healthcare operations by leveraging advanced AI technology.


Thomas Clozel headshot

Thomas Clozel

CEO and Founder

  • Service: Collaborative AI platform for medical research
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website:

Owkin is an AI-focused startup that leverages advanced technology to understand complex biology. Its primary goal is to identify new treatments, accelerate clinical trials, and develop diagnostic tools by harnessing the power of AI to analyze intricate biological data. One notable aspect of Owkin's approach is its emphasis on federated learning and AI technologies for medical research and clinical development. They have developed innovative methods, such as AI-enabled external control arms, to enhance clinical trials and medical research. Owkin also contributes to the AI community by releasing GrAIdient, an open-source framework that enables interpretable deep learning models using Mac GPUs. This commitment to advanced AI techniques and collaborative contributions sets Owkin apart in the field of medical research and drug discovery.


Dr. Geetha Manjunath headshot

Dr. Geetha Manjunath

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-based breast cancer screening technology
  • Location: Bengaluru, India
  • Website:

Niramai is an innovative AI startup specializing in breast cancer screening solutions. Their unique aspect lies in using AI and ML for early breast cancer detection, aiming to improve survival rates. The company's solution involves a low-cost, accurate, and automated portable cancer screening tool that can be operated in clinics. Niramai's technology relies on high-resolution thermal sensing devices and cloud-hosted analytics to analyze thermal images for early cancer detection. Notably, Niramai has received US FDA clearance for their medical device and holds several international patents. Their approach combines cutting-edge technology with healthcare to make a significant impact in the fight against breast cancer, especially in regions like India where early detection is crucial for improving outcomes.


Daphne Koller headshot

Daphne Koller

CEO and Founder

"While many of us have witnessed the incredible medical advances transforming our ability to treat and even cure previously incurable diseases, there is still so much that we don’t understand about complex diseases like cancer. At Insitro, we’re building tools that allow us to explore and manipulate the biology of disease at a level of detail that was previously unimaginable, to gain new insights and develop new therapies for patients in need."
- Daphne Koller, Founder and CEO of Insitro

  • Service: Drug discovery and development using AI and machine learning.
  • Location: South San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website:

Insitro is an AI startup that focuses on drug discovery by integrating biology and machine learning. Their unique aspect lies in the collaboration between experienced biologists, drug hunters, technologists, and machine learners. This multidisciplinary approach allows them to rethink drug discovery using AI and machine learning. Insitro's CEO and founder, Daphne Koller, sees the potential of combining AI and biology to accelerate drug development and address significant medical challenges. The company's mission to leverage AI for drug discovery highlights their innovative strategy in the pharmaceutical industry, where AI-powered solutions play a pivotal role in revolutionizing the drug development process and understanding complex diseases


James K. Min headshot

James K. Min

CEO and Founder

  • Service: Cardiac imaging analysis with AI
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website:

Cleerly is a startup focusing on redefining cardiovascular care using AI technologies. Their unique aspect lies in leveraging AI to help physicians better identify at-risk patients and provide effective preventive measures for heart disease. By incorporating AI into healthcare, Cleerly aims to enhance patient outcomes by offering advanced diagnostic and risk assessment tools. This aligns with the broader trend of AI's integration into medical practices to improve accuracy and personalized treatment. Cleerly's approach demonstrates how AI can contribute to more effective disease identification and management, offering significant potential for improving cardiovascular healthcare


Tashfeen Suleman headshot

Tashfeen Suleman

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven clinical insights and predictions
  • Location: Palo Alto, California, USA
  • Website:

CloudMedx is a healthcare data platform leveraging AI to aggregate and analyze medical information. It offers pre-trained machine learning and natural language processing models to predict adverse events, disease progression, readmission, and length of stay. A unique aspect of CloudMedx is the ONE Platform, powered by HyperGraph, which aggregates and normalizes data from various sources for enhanced analysis. This allows healthcare providers to derive insights from structured and unstructured data, including doctor notes and discharge summaries. CloudMedx's focus on predictive healthcare models demonstrates its commitment to improving patient outcomes through AI-driven insights and automation in healthcare data management


Demis Hassabis headshot

Demis Hassabis

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI research for healthcare innovation
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Website:

DeepMind is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence company comprising scientists, engineers, and researchers. They are dedicated to solving complex challenges using technology. DeepMind gained recognition for its achievements in various domains, such as improving data center cooling efficiency by over 15% using machine learning systems. It has also created innovative applications like a chatbot that combines Google searches and human input for better responses. Founded by Demis Hassabis, DeepMind showcased its AI prowess by achieving remarkable success in areas like Go gameplay. Acquired by Google, DeepMind's unique blend of scientific research and practical applications has propelled it to the forefront of AI innovation and exploration.


Eyal Gura headshot

Eyal Gura

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI for medical imaging and healthcare
  • Location: The companies are headquartered in Shefayim, Israel
  • Website:

Nanox, in collaboration with Zebra Medical Vision, is an Israeli startup that was founded with the mission of assisting doctors in making diagnoses through the application of artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies in the field of medical imaging. The companies aim to automate various aspects of medicine, including radiology, pathology, and dentistry. A significant focus of their work is to make AI in healthcare accessible and affordable for all.

Notable achievements of this collaboration include securing substantial funding, including a $30 million Series C round, to develop AI-based tools for radiologists and healthcare professionals. Additionally, Zebra Medical Vision has obtained FDA clearance for its X-ray modeling AI, which provides accurate bone measurements for orthopedic surgery planning.

CEO and Founder: Eyal Gura is a key figure in driving the vision of Nanox and Zebra Medical Vision.

AI changemakers in the retail and e-commerce industry:

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Alexandre Dalyac headshot

Alexandre Dalyac

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered damage assessment for insurance claims
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Website:

Tractable is a leading AI startup that employs computer vision to assess the condition of cars and homes, revolutionizing repairs and property assessments. The company's AI-driven solutions accelerate visual inspection and appraisal processes, catering to the insurance and automotive sectors. Tractable's innovative approach combines the latest advancements in computer vision and machine learning, leveraging customer images for accurate assessments. A notable aspect of Tractable is its recent Series E funding, securing $65 million led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2, highlighting the company's growth and potential impact in the AI-driven assessment field. The company's mission centers on addressing issues within the automotive and property ecosystems using AI solutions.


Alex Atzberger headshot

Alex Atzberger

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven experimentation platform for web and mobile applications
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website:

Optimizely is a leading AI startup that offers a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to accelerate and enhance every phase of the digital experience lifecycle, from ideation to analysis, through a unified platform. This AI-powered platform helps companies optimize their digital experiences, make data-driven decisions, and continuously experiment to create exceptional customer interactions. An exceptional aspect of Optimizely is its focus on transforming businesses through data-driven decisions, experimentation, and innovation. The platform's ability to enable companies to optimize pricing, stay competitive, and maximize profit margins demonstrates the power of AI in enhancing business performance.


Jonathan Kreindler headshot

Jonathan Kreindler

President and Co-Founder

  • Service: AI-driven emotional analytics for understanding consumer behavior
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Website:

Receptiviti helps the world's most people-focused companies understand the psychology of customers, users, audiences, and the people who are most important to their businesses. The company uses extensively validated psycholinguistic science to understand how psychology, personality and emotions manifest or change in real-time when people interact with brands, digital products, surveys, social media, chatbots, and other people.

Receptiviti’s science is cited in over 20,000 research publications, and their psycholinguistic technology is imbedded into the software of many of the world’s largest technology companies, communications and marketing agencies, HR technology, digital health, professional services and financial services companies.


Phil Schraeder headshot

Phil Schraeder


  • Service: AI-powered contextual advertising and content analysis
  • Location: Santa Monica, California, USA
  • Website:

GumGum is an AI startup specializing in AI engineering, particularly in computer vision and natural language processing. One unique aspect is its focus on embedding artificial intelligence into publisher ad networks, allowing advertisers to deploy unique and relevant formats and standard ad units using GumGum's AI-powered capabilities. This demonstrates the integration of AI in advertising to enhance engagement and effectiveness. The company's expertise in AI engineering and its application in ad networks showcases its commitment to innovating in AI-driven advertising.


Victor Rosenman headshot

Victor Rosenman

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered optimization platform for online marketplaces
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website:

Feedvisor is an AI-driven solution catering to Amazon brands, sellers, retailers, and private labels. It offers an AI-powered optimization platform that empowers brands and sellers on Amazon. A unique aspect is Feedvisor's focus on providing an "AI-first" approach for optimization and intelligence in e-commerce, covering advertising, pricing, inventory, and more. It's notable for managing over $2 billion in goods sold through marketplaces like Amazon, showcasing its significant impact in the e-commerce industry. With a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools, Feedvisor is a prominent player in helping businesses thrive in the competitive online marketplace.


Alasdair McLean-Foreman headshot

Alasdair McLean-Foreman

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered optimization and intelligence platform for e-commerce
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Website:

Teikametrics is an AI-powered marketplace optimization platform for Amazon and Its flagship product, "Flywheel," offers AI-driven solutions to optimize the advertising funnel, including campaign creation, automated targeting, and hourly adjustments. The company focuses on democratizing AI for e-commerce, helping businesses navigate challenges and changes in the industry. Teikametrics' success is evident in its ability to improve business return on investment using its AI technology significantly. The company raised $15 million in funding to support its retail optimization efforts. Teikametrics' commitment to utilizing AI to enhance online ad spending optimization showcases its impact in the e-commerce landscape.


Marin Šarić headshot

Marin Šarić

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven route optimization and planning for delivery and logistics
  • Location: Zagreb, Croatia
  • Website:

OptimoRoute is an AI-powered solution specializing in delivery route planning and optimizing field service. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art technology, including machine learning and rules-based systems, to plan and optimize routes and schedules for deliveries and mobile workforces. One notable aspect of OptimoRoute is its focus on providing optimized and efficient routes for deliveries and workforce management, helping businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. The platform's incorporation of AI and machine learning techniques, alongside its easy-to-use interface for route planning, sets it apart as a valuable tool for logistics and delivery-based businesses. It's particularly relevant for companies aiming to enhance their route optimization processes and improve overall efficiency.

Dynamic Yield

Ori Bauer headshot

Ori Bauer


  • Service: AI-powered personalization and optimization for online experiences
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website:

Dynamic Yield is an AI-powered personalization platform that enables businesses to create tailored and optimized customer experiences across various channels, including web, mobile, email, and ads. A notable aspect of Dynamic Yield is its focus on AI-based personalization, allowing companies to deliver relevant content and recommendations to customers, thus improving engagement and loyalty. The platform's agility and single-interface approach empower teams to translate ideas into executed experiences efficiently. Being recognized as a top AI company by CB Insights underscores Dynamic Yield's commitment to AI-driven personalization and its goal of being a market leader in this domain. The platform's ability to deliver tailored experiences across multiple touchpoints sets it apart as a valuable tool for enhancing customer engagement and optimizing business outcomes.

AI changemakers in the finance industry:

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Richard Craib headshot

Richard Craib

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven quantitative trading platform
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website:

Numerai is an AI-driven hedge fund that crowdsources machine learning models to predict the stock market. It offers a unique approach by allowing data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts to build predictive models using its dataset and compete in a data science competition. These models are then combined to create a collaborative hedge fund. Numerai introduces the concept of a "meta-model" that combines individual models submitted by participants to make trading decisions. This unique collaboration between data scientists and financial markets sets Numerai apart from traditional hedge funds. Participants are incentivized with cryptocurrency rewards based on the success of their models. Numerai's innovative approach blends AI, data science, and finance, creating a decentralized hedge fund ecosystem that has gained attention in the financial and AI communities.


Timo Dreger headshot

Timo Dreger

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven financial forecasting and analytics
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Website:

Fount, a Seoul-based AI investment company, specializes in AI asset management services. One unique aspect of Fount is its focus on providing AI-powered asset management solutions, catering to a wide range of customers spanning over 20 markets. This indicates their commitment to leveraging AI to enhance traditional investment practices. Fount's application of AI in asset management reflects its endeavor to harness cutting-edge technology for optimizing investment decisions and potentially revolutionizing the way investment portfolios are managed. By incorporating AI algorithms and data analysis, Fount's approach demonstrates the integration of AI technology into the financial sector to provide data-driven investment strategies and insights.


Barney Hussey-Yeo headshot

Barney Hussey-Yeo

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered financial assistant for budgeting and saving
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Website:

Cleo, an AI-powered "financial assistant," focuses on revolutionizing personal finance management. One notable aspect is Cleo's engaging and "personality-rich" chatbot, which distinguishes it as a more relatable financial tool. This approach humanizes financial management and appeals to a wider audience. Cleo not only assists with budgeting and money management but also aims to provide personalized advice and products to improve financial health. The use of AI, including advanced chatbot capabilities, sets Cleo apart as it combines automation, machine learning, and personalized financial recommendations. Cleo's mission to make money management easier and more approachable positions it as a valuable AI-powered solution in the personal finance space, catering to diverse user needs with its unique approach.


Bhavesh Dayalji headshot

Bhavesh Dayalji


  • Service: AI analytics for financial markets and investment research
  • Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • Website:

Kensho is an AI and Innovation Hub that develops cutting-edge technologies to transform businesses, acting as a key player in AI-driven innovation within S&P Global. It partners with industry leaders, leveraging the latest advances in machine learning and AI to derive insights and structure data at scale. Notably, Kensho's AI solutions, like "Kensho Scribe," transcribe financial and business audio into usable data, showcasing its capability to handle unstructured data and provide valuable insights. The company's focus on innovation, data transformation, and its contribution to the financial sector's technological evolution make it a significant player in the AI startup landscape.


Gary Hoberman headshot

Gary Hoberman

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered platform for building and managing financial applications
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Website:

Unqork is an innovative startup specializing in a no-code platform that empowers enterprises to build complex software applications without coding. Their platform utilizes AI and machine vision to automate processes like scanning paper documents and extracting relevant information. Notably, Unqork leverages generative AI to accelerate time-to-value, enabling natural language commands to create various applications. The company's focus on codeless software development, machine vision integration, and use of generative AI sets it apart in the tech industry, offering a novel approach to building applications and transforming enterprise IT.

AI changemakers in the manufacturing industry:

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Amir Husain headshot

Amir Husain

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI solutions for energy, oil and gas, manufacturing, finance, aerospace, and defense
  • Location: Austin, Texas, USA
  • Website:

SparkCognition stands out with its AI Forecasting software, offering data-driven insights to enhance business performance and profitability through accurate predictions. Additionally, their Generative AI technology autonomously augments datasets by creating high-quality synthetic content, a unique aspect that fuels data enrichment. SparkCognition's commitment to solving real-world challenges is evident in applications like improving health and safety through Visual AI. Their diverse offerings extend to sectors such as energy and utilities, where AI and ML contribute to efficiency and innovation. Overall, SparkCognition's AI-driven solutions offer innovative approaches to data analysis, content generation, and addressing industry-specific challenges.


Quinn Curtis headshot

Quinn Curtis


  • Service: AI platform for visual model management and automation in manufacturing
  • Location: San Jose, California, USA
  • Website:

Cogniac, an AI startup, provides a unique solution by focusing on visual data and offering a platform for automating visual inspection tasks. Their technology leverages AI to analyze images and videos, detecting defects, anomalies, and other visual patterns that could be challenging for traditional rule-based systems. This approach makes Cogniac suitable for industries that require quality control and inspection, such as manufacturing and industrial settings. Cogniac's specialized focus on visual data sets it apart, as it offers a tailored solution to a specific aspect of AI application, addressing complex visual inspection challenges in various industries.


Bill Bither headshot

Bill Bither

CEO and Founder

  • Service: Industrial IoT and AI platform for manufacturing analytics.
  • Location: Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
  • Website:

MachineMetrics is an AI startup specializing in machine monitoring and predictive analytics for discrete manufacturers and machine builders. It offers an AI-driven platform that collects and analyzes manufacturing data from the shop floor, enabling companies to optimize production processes, improve efficiency, and minimize downtime. A unique aspect of MachineMetrics is its focus on applying AI and machine learning to manufacturing environments, empowering companies to make data-driven decisions for lean and smart production. This unique offering addresses the need for data-driven insights in manufacturing, helping companies harness the power of AI to enhance their operational performance and competitiveness.

Vanti Analytics

Smadar David headshot

Smadar David

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-powered solutions for manufacturing quality and process optimization
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Website:

Vanti Analytics is an AI startup that offers a generative AI manufacturing optimization platform. Their solution stands out by providing manufacturing professionals with the capability to fuse data from various sources, enabling a holistic view of the production process. With a focus on essential features like ease of use and resilience, their adaptive AI approach helps manufacturers reveal errors, streamline operations, and enhance productivity. Vanti Analytics has secured significant funding, including a $16 million Series A round, to assist manufacturers in deploying AI models effectively. This showcases their commitment to advancing AI-driven solutions in the manufacturing industry.


James Hayes headshot

James Hayes


  • Service: AI and analytics solutions for manufacturing process optimization
  • Location: Brisbane, Australia
  • Website:

Aginic is an innovative organization specializing in data analytics and business intelligence. Aginic stands out by offering custom data products that exceed the capabilities of off-the-shelf solutions. They focus on building data platforms that provide comprehensive solutions for data management and analysis, emphasizing collaboration and meaningful outcomes. Aginic partners with companies like Dataiku, enabling collaborative AI and machine learning solution development within a single platform. With a cross-functional team approach, Aginic adapts to changes and aims to deliver unique insights and solutions to their clients.


Nikunj Mehta headshot

Nikunj Mehta

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-driven operational machine learning for manufacturing
  • Location: Sunnyvale, California, USA
  • Website:

Falkonry is an AI startup that offers unique tech capabilities in the field of industrial operations. The company is known for its cutting-edge breakthroughs, as highlighted by CTO Dan Kearns, that contribute to enhancing industrial processes. This uniqueness stems from their advanced technology that likely involves predictive analytics and optimization to improve industrial operations. While precise details are not provided in the search results, Falkonry seems to be at the forefront of providing AI solutions tailored to the needs of industrial businesses, potentially optimizing processes, predicting failures, and enabling efficient operations.


Netanel Raisch headshot

Netanel Raisch

CEO and Founder

  • Service: AI-based water quality testing technology for manufacturing
  • Location: Kfar Saba, Israel
  • Website:

​​Lishtot is an AI startup that specializes in real-time water quality testing. Their unique solution offers a way to quickly and easily assess the quality of water without the need for complex lab tests. By utilizing AI technology, Lishtot provides users with real-time data about water quality, allowing individuals across the globe to make informed decisions about the safety of the water they consume. This aspect of offering real-time water quality data is a distinctive feature of Lishtot's business, providing a practical and valuable application of AI technology to address a critical need for safe drinking water.

AI changemakers in the transportation industry:

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StreetLight Data

Laura Schewel headshot

Laura Schewel

CEO and Founder

  • Services: Traffic and transportation analytics using AI and big data
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website:

StreetLight Data is a smart transportation intelligence startup that leverages AI and geospatial data for innovative mobility solutions. A unique aspect of StreetLight Data is its use of machine learning to analyze data sources and differentiate between various modes of transportation, including bikes, cars, and pedestrians. This allows urban planners to make informed decisions based on accurate mobility insights. The company focuses on improving urban mobility and smart city planning by providing detailed traffic data through its technology. StreetLight Data's use of machine learning to identify and categorize different forms of transportation sets it apart in the field of smart transportation analytics.

Innoviz Technologies

Omer Keilaf headshot

Omer Keilaf

CEO and Founder

  • Services: LiDAR technology for autonomous vehicles
  • CEO/Founder: Omer Keilaf
  • Website:

Innoviz Technologies is a leading manufacturer of high-performance, solid-state LiDAR sensors and perception software focused on enabling mass-production of autonomous vehicles. Their LiDAR technology is used to provide vision to various sectors, including automotive, drone, robotics, and more. Innoviz's unique aspect lies in its collaboration with the BMW Group to develop LiDAR technology for next-generation automated vehicles. This collaboration emphasizes their commitment to advancing autonomous driving capabilities through cutting-edge LiDAR solutions. Innoviz's contributions to the automotive industry and partnerships with key players underscore their role in shaping the future of autonomous mobility.


Jiajun Zhu headshot

Jiajun Zhu

CEO and Founder

  • Services: Autonomous delivery vehicles for local goods transportation
  • CEO/Founder: Jiajun Zhu
  • Website:

Nuro is an AI startup that focuses on autonomous last-mile delivery. Their unique aspect lies in their innovative solution for last-mile logistics. The company aims to improve daily life by providing autonomous vehicles for the safe and efficient delivery of goods, leading to safer streets, reduced environmental impact, and equitable access to goods. Nuro utilizes AI and machine learning to develop autonomous vehicles that generate revenue by delivering food, groceries, and packages. Their autonomous delivery vehicles, such as the R2, are designed for short trips and offer contactless delivery services, making them particularly relevant in today's context. The company's commitment to autonomous delivery and its potential to transform the last-mile delivery landscape set it apart in the AI startup ecosystem.


Anthony Jules headshot

Anthony Jules

CEO and Founder

  • Services: AI-powered robotics and automation systems
  • CEO/Founder: Anthony Jules
  • Website:

Robust.AI specializes in collaborative robot solutions for manufacturing and warehouse logistics. They focus on making robots work for people. One unique aspect of Robust.AI's business is their emphasis on robot deliveries, as seen in their efforts to scale robot deliveries for pilot customers. They recently raised $20 million in a Series A-1 funding round led by Prime Movers Lab and Future Ventures, highlighting the interest and investment in their innovative approach to autonomous deliveries. By combining AI and robotics, Robust.AI aims to revolutionize industries by enabling robots to collaborate seamlessly with human workers, enhancing efficiency and productivity in various sectors.


Georges Aoude headshot

Georges Aoude

CEO and Founder

  • Services: AI-based collision prevention and traffic optimization
  • Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • Website:

Derq is an award-winning MIT spin-off that has developed an AI-powered platform for predictive analytics aimed at enhancing road safety and efficiency. Their unique approach involves integrating AI and predictive analytics to reduce crashes, save lives, and create smarter roadways. Derq's solutions address pedestrian and cyclist fatalities, offering real-time analytics for connected roads and vehicles. They have pioneered automated safety performance monitoring across road networks, enabling efficient identification and prioritization of safety issues. This innovative aspect makes Derq's offering stand out, contributing to the advancement of smart infrastructure and road safety. The company's collaboration with industry partners further strengthens its position in the AI-driven road safety landscape.

Ride Vision

Uri Lavi headshot

Uri Lavi

CEO and Founder

  • Services: AI-based collision avoidance for motorcycles and scooters
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Website:
  • Services: AI-based collision avoidance for motorcycles and scooters
  • Ride Vision is a startup that leverages AI and computer vision to enhance safety in the field of motorcycling. The company's unique aspect lies in its use of AI-powered computer vision technology to identify and alert riders to potential collision threats on the road. This technology provides real-time warnings and assists riders in making split-second decisions to prevent accidents. Ride Vision's solution is an innovative application of AI and computer vision, addressing a critical need for improved safety in the motorcycling industry. It showcases how AI can be harnessed to enhance safety and situational awareness in complex and dynamic environments like riding motorcycles, thereby contributing to a safer riding experience.


Eran Shir headshot

Eran Shir

CEO and Founder

  • Services: AI-powered dash cams and real-time road safety network
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Website:

Nexar is an AI startup known for its innovative approach to enhancing road safety through technology. The company leverages AI and computer vision to create a vehicle-to-vehicle network using smartphones, aiming to predict and prevent accidents. A unique aspect of Nexar is its use of smart AI dash cams that record drives, back up important videos to the cloud, and provide immediate evidence to users' phones. This solution helps drivers in case of accidents and provides valuable data for mapping, insurance, and driving insights. By utilizing AI-backed dash cams and creating a connected network of vehicles, Nexar contributes to safer roads while also offering services beyond traditional dash cams, such as data-driven insights for insurance and mapping.

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This list serves as a tribute to the incredible individuals and organizations who are rewriting the rules of the AI game. These changemakers have not only achieved Series A funding and beyond, but have also shown unwavering dedication to revolutionizing healthcare, retail, finance, manufacturing, and transportation. We are thrilled to introduce you to these exceptional innovators and their stories of transformation. As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, we're excited to be part of a community that celebrates those who turn AI dreams into reality. Join us on this inspiring journey as we honor those who make a difference.

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