A stylized graphic of digital communication, featuring a silhouette holding a glowing tablet from which a speech bubble emerges, transitioning into a wave of binary code '1010110' against a radiant blue background. The wave undulates across the image, signifying the flow of information. This conceptual image represents the transmission and amplification of messages in the digital realm, highlighting the intersection of technology and communication.

Public Relations

PR/Comms is unique in its ability to reduce B2B buyer decision risk. Only PR can garner third-party validation from media, analysts, experts and customers for your company’s vision, strategy and product innovation.

We can help you design an integrated communications program that builds trust in your company, products and your team.

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Content Studio

Your prospective buyers are looking for content about your products and services that inform, educate and help de-risk their purchase decision.

As your buyers progress through the buyer journey their media consumptions patterns change (and zigzag) across paid, content, PR, social and web.

We can help you create an integrated content strategy that will move your buyers to action.

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Close-up of a professional working environment, featuring a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a stylus in hand, indicative of multitasking. Transparent, digital content blocks float above the laptop's surface, representing the strategic planning and creation of digital content. A smartphone rests beside the laptop, symbolizing the connectivity and multi-platform nature of modern content strategy.
Dynamic image of hands typing on a laptop keyboard, overlaid with translucent social media engagement icons representing likes, comments, and shares, glowing in a soft purple hue. Numbers next to each icon denote social interactions, illustrating the real-time metrics of digital marketing success and online engagement. The image encapsulates the essence of social media marketing and the constant interaction between content and audience.

Digital Marketing

In B2B tech marketing no single channel or media type is enough. You need the full range of digital marketing tools working together to extend the reach and impact of your corporate, product and brand marketing initiatives.

We can help power your brand to new heights with a digital marketing strategy that delivers results.

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Client Experience

Our Clients Love Working With Us

5.0 -  

"They became members of my extended team."

Thanks to Actual Agency's work, the client has achieved excellent media coverage and increased share of voice. The team establishes weekly status calls to ensure compliance with the deliverables. Moreover, they have great company culture and an impressive commitment to the client's success.


VP of Marketing Communications, Software Co

5.0 -  

"I always feel we have the A-team working with our account."

Since  Actual Agency joined the project, coverage and awareness have increased by 200%, much to the client's delight. The team is highly proactive, and internal stakeholders are particularly impressed with the service provider's vast technical expertise and engagement.


Petrus Loubser

CMO, Privacera