5 B2B Content Marketing Tips to Guide Brands Through the Pandemic and Beyond

Buying new products and subscribing to new services are far down most companies’ lists of priorities. Business leaders are focusing on re-opening offices, restarting stalled manufacturing lines, fixing broken supply chains, taking care of their employees – and now, looking to formulate meaningful, authentic internal and external responses to new dialogues taking place across the cultural and business landscapes.

As a result, B2B sales cycles that were long before the pandemic struck have become even more drawn out. How you adapt now – the degree of understanding and insight you have into the mind of today’s buyer-specifier and how you convert that into a conversation that leads to engagement – is what will translate today’s bold actions into tomorrow’s decisive successes.

Prospects might not be buying in your industry, but they are still in search of information that is both educational and entertaining – that moves them on multiple levels. Your brand should be an information source – and it can be, with a re-booted marketing strategy focused on smart content and informed digital engagement.

In our new eBook, “Rethink, Reboot, Rebound: 5 Steps to Guide B2B Brands Successfully Through The Pandemic,” we explain the key steps you can take to ensure that in a disrupted marketing world — where events, trade shows and conventions have been canceled indefinitely, decision-makers are adapting to new workstyles, and businesses are re-thinking strategies moving forward — you are transitioning your own approach, to maintain brand continuity and shorten the sales cycle.

  1. Rev up the content engine
  2. Focus on personalization
  3. Map your content to your visitor
  4. Pay more attention to your website
  5. Make your content work harder

Download your free copy of the eBook here

I welcome your feedback; hit me up at btr@actual.agency.

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As an agency that focuses on B2B Technology, the team at Actual Agency is ready to help you deliver media coverage, thought leadership and market-leading commentary about the impact of technology on business transformation. If you are looking for a B2B Tech PR agency that delivers results, please Contact the Actual Agency team today!